The Asiatic market of connection is more profitable, than European

In 2007 the European market of mobile telephones was abbreviated on 3% as compared to the volumes of 2006. At the same time in 2006 growth made more than 16%. Such information was given today by a company Nokia.

Day prior to the report of Nokia, given today regulative organs, a company SonyEricsson also reported about the decline of quarterly income from a decrease in demand at the European market.

In Nokia mark that deceleration of growth takes a place and on Near east, where as early as 2006 growth was 68%, but in 2007 fell down to 19%. The decline of sales goes and at the north-american market, where in 2007 a decline was 6%, and in 2006 - 13%.

At the same time, in Latin America a decline appeared not so considerable. If at the beginning of 2007 Nokia talked about a prognosis on a 15%-íîå decline, the real decline did not exceed 10%.

However covered a cost all of these deplorable indexes with usury was due to a boom at the Asiatic markets. In an aziatsko-tikhookeanskom region in 2006 at Nokia a 55%-íûé increase of sales was marked, and in 2007 - 60%-íûé. At the Chinese market, as on the largest in a region, sales a company in 2006 grew on 29%, and in a past year on 34%. However from modest financial possibilities of habitants of this region, about 35% sales were on tubes the cost of which did not exceed 50 euros.

In all from data of Nokia 1,14 milliards of telephones (in 2006 are 978 millions) were sold in 2007, and on being in the end of 2007 in an about 3,3 milliard of workings mobile telephones was the world counted. In 2006 the amount of mobile tubes in the world did not exceed 2,7 milliard of things.
