Windows Mobile 7 can be controlled with the help of fingers and gestures.

In the mobile operating system, Windows Mobile 7, which is currently under construction, is scheduled to perform at least two revolutionary step.

First, there partial waiver of stylus. We have already seen how such a course Apple has used in its iPhone, where all operations are performed fingers, and he has been largely successful. Apparently, Microsoft has decided to take into account the experience of a competitor and also begin to develop a similar interface, and it's at CES Bill Gates (Bill Gates) has already said that the future for natural interfaces, including management and fingers. Interestingly, the system is able to detect not pushing one finger, and two (and possibly more) at the same time in different places screen.

Secondly, it is planned to introduce a system to manage the phone and perform operations on it through the phone itself movements. For example, bowed to left - reduced volume player, bowed to the right - has increased, flung up and down - included a stop. This functionality will be responsible cell phone tracking position on the surrounding space.

It has been said that lots of plans. Apparently, Microsoft has decided to seriously and genuinely surprise fans of the Windows smartphones, making no ordinary evolutionary step, a veritable revolution in mobile operating systems. True, must wait - Windows Mobile 7 will be released no earlier than 2009.
