iPhone conquers France

It became known results iPhone mobile phone sales in France. Operator Orange, the exclusive supplier of iPhone in France, sold for December 70 thousand vehicles. Recall that the sale started at the end of November. Declared figure evoked mixed feelings among some investors Apple. On the one hand 70 thousand - it is markedly less beautiful figure of 100 thousand, melknuvshey in an interview with France Telecom company heads of Didier Lombarda (Didier Lombard), and on the other hand - more than 50 thousand noticeable that pessimists predicted.

Interestingly, of the 70 thousand iPhone sold 48% of new subscribers was bought Orange, and only 3.5 subjected to thousands of legal razlochke for use in third-party networks of other operators. Practical Europeans clearly prefer to pay 399 euros per month, and then allocate a solid fee Orange instead of immediately put 749 euros for free from any restrictions operator iPhone. But at the moment France - is the only country where you can quite legally hammer unfrozen iPhone.
